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SES Project > The Knowledgeing Work-Shop
The Knowledgeing Work-Shop


The Knowledgeing Work-Shop is basically a meeting-place between practice and theory, where practitioners and advisor/researcher work together on a systematic knowledge development and an understanding of practical work. The practitioners communicate their experience based knowledge by rendering stories based on concrete situations. The stories will then be the subject of systematic investigation and dialogical reflection. This is a process of storytelling and modified reproductions of the stories, alternating between the oral and the written, between the concrete and the theoretical. The themes of the stories will be elucidated from different angels, with contributions from ethics, philosophy, art and field theory. Thus the experiences become a source of deeper insight and understanding.

More about the Knowledgeing Work - Shop


The University of Tromsø N - 9037 TROMSØ. Tlf: 00 47 77 62 32 73 , E-post: herdis.levang@uit.no